Gain Expert Guidance

Plan to Grow Your Business

Create Connections

Let the eMRP Be Your Guide

Are You Someone Who Is...

Save years of headache and get these questions answered in depth in just 5 days!

*Small group coaching only available to those who register for the small group coaching ticket.

What Our Alumni Have to Say

"The eMarket Readiness Program was truly an amazing learning experience. The course covered a vast array of subjects essential for functioning a business."

- 2023 eMRP Participant Nimra Umar of Pomegranate Seeds

"What struck me the most was product marketing, and above all, staying in touch with the mentor, addressing doubts, and receiving feedback for improvement in the area."

- 2023 eMRP Participant Virgilio Cruz Gutierrez of Alianza Komon A'tel

"All of [the eMRP] was useful, but the costing and supply chain presentation was especially useful. The small groups were fantastic as well... I learned so much!"

- 2023 eMRP Participant Dominque Wenninger of Yollotl LLC

Your eMarket Readiness Program Success Path

Go from frustrated and unclear on how to expand to confident and connected. You’ll walk away with a clear plan of grow your handmade business. eMRP Topics include

This course is closed for enrollment.

There are many ways to register for the eMRP.

You can:

Register as a Group

Have a group of 5+ individuals that want to join the program? Do you have a group you want to sponsor? Access discount prices when you sign up as a group!

Register as an Individual

Are you ready to learn? You can sign up as an individual on this site now! Just scroll down to finalize your purchase!

Find a Sponsor

We understand that spending money on a course like this can be difficult. Download the guide using the button below to send to potential sponsors you have that can help you join the program!

A Program Tailored for the Handmade Industry.

We Welcome....

> International Artisan Brands

> Artisan Producers

> Artisan Exporters & Importers

> Designers

> USA-Based retailers and brands

> Leadership Members of Craft-Based Enterprises

> International Development Professionals

> Individuals and students interested in the artisan sector

Meet the Experts

The best way to learn, is from individuals who have decades of experience and have been through what you are going through.

**Presenters are subject to change in 2024

Agus Cattaneo - Founder of Learn While Exploring

(Global Consumer & Color Trends)

Lauren Barkume - ATA Training Director

(Costing & Pricing for Profit)

Susan Easton - Founder of From the Road

(Market & Sales Channels Overview)

A Sneak Peek into eMRP

Want to see what the eMRP is like? Here is a replay of a small piece of the exclusive buyer panel event, held on Day 4 of the program!

Who Speaks During the Buyer Panel?

We all want to sell, but meeting the right buyers and building strong relationships takes time. Our buyer panel provides you with tips on how to nurture and build these lasting relationships.

** Panelists are subject to change in 2024

This course is closed for enrollment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the eMarket Readiness Program (eMRP)?

The eMarket Readiness Program (eMRP) is a unique, 5-day online training program tailored specifically to artisan business owners. This program will provide you all the tools you need to run a successful handmade business. At the end of the program, you will walk away with a concrete plan that you have created to achieve the goals you have set for your business. Whether you want to access new international markets, grow your presence within your country, or just grow your knowledge in how to run a business, this program is for you!

What presentations will be a part of the eMRP?

All presentations are hosted by artisan industry experts. Presentations include:

  • US Market Overview
  • Global Consumer & Trends
  • Intro to Artisan Product Development & Design
  • Costing & Pricing for Profit
  • Intro to Artisan Marketing
  • Market and Sales Channels Overview
  • Building Customer Relations

We will also host 2 panels:

  • eMRP Alumni Panel
  • Buyer Panel

Can I sell my products at the eMRP?

No. This is a training and networking event, and not a sales opportunity. You WILL however, have a chance to network with other artisan businesses, including artisan producers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, and US based artisan importers.

Who is the eMRP for?

This program is for anyone who is interested in learning more about the artisan sector and running a successful business. We welcome:

  • International Artisan Brands
  • Artisan Producers
  • Artisan Exporters & Importers
  • Designers
  • USA-Based retailers and Brands
  • Leadership Members of Craft-Based Enterprises
  • International Development Professionals
  • Individuals and students interested in the artisan sector

Not sure if this program is for you? Feel free to email [email protected]

What is the registration deadline?

August 28th, 2024, at 5pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). You must complete your payment before the course registration closes to join the course.

Do you offer scholarships?

Unfortunately, we do not have any available scholarships. However, if you know or find someone who wants to sponsor you, you can download and send them this information sheet HERE.

Can I sign up as a group?

YES! If you have a group of 5+ people, you can get a discount in your ticket price! Email [email protected] for more information and download the information sheet HERE.

Can I get a discount?

Yes! Use the code EARLYBIRD2024 to get 10% off your registration when you purchase your ticket before June 21st, 2024, at 1:59pm EST. We also offer group rates for 5+ individuals. Want to learn more about group pricing? Download more information HERE or email [email protected] for more information.

What is Small Group Coaching? Why join it?

If you purchase a ticket with Small Group Coaching, you'll be matched with an expert Mentor with industry experience and five to six peers in the artisan sector. You'll have a chance to discuss your personal challenges and goals, get product and market feedback, discuss the eMRP topics and how they apply to you, and learn from your peers during 5 one-hour coaching sessions held on Zoom in breakout rooms. By the end of the coaching sessions, you'll create concrete goals and an action plan to move your business forward. The sessions will be held from 1:00-2:30pm on all days except for Day 2 where a product review will be hosted in your groups from 1-3:00pm EST. These coaching sessions are from September 9-13, 2024, after the presentations.

What if I can't attend all of the workshop days?

We understand you can't always attend for the entire time! This is why you will have exclusive access to all of the recorded videos for 6 months following the program, and you can re-watch unlimited number of times.

How long will I have access to the videos?

You will have exclusive access to all of the recorded videos for 6 months after the program ends, and you can re-watch unlimited number of times.

Can I attend if I'm not in the US?

Yes! Most of our eMRP alumni come from around the world. We know that your timezone might not be ideal for you, which is why we offer exclusive recorded video access for 6 months after the program ends.

Here's a quote from one of our 2018 Alumni from India, "After the MRP, we gained confidence in how our products stand in the market outside India. Since then, we have done two trade shows- in London and In Germany. We now stock at four stores across London and one in Germany with the market gradually opening up to us!"

— Vasanthi Veluri, MRP Alumni 2018, India

Can I attend if I am in the US?

Yes! We have some amazing alumni who are based in the US looking for best practices in artisan sourcing, understanding how to start a global artisan brand, or to connect with global artisan partners.

Can I attend if I am just an individual and don't have a business?

Yes! The eMRP is designed to give you a big picture view of the global artisan sector and exactly what it takes to be successful. If you're a student, NGO, international development professional, or just a passionate person interested in getting involved in the global artisan sector, the eMRP will connect you to a network and give you great insight into the tools an artisan business needs to go global.

Just take it from one of our alumni, "The Market Readiness Program is singlehandedly the best program I could have invested in to further my career in the artisan industry. The wealth of knowledge that I gained, the invaluable connections that I met, and the experiences I made are all what has gotten me to where I am today. I will forever be thankful for Aid to Artisans!"

— Madison Pease, MRP Alumni 2018, USA

Is the homework optional?

Yes. The homework is designed to help you take what you'll learn and apply it to your work, so we strongly encourage you to plan some time each day after the live workshop to work on the exercises.

Will I get a certificate?

Yes! After you attend the eMRP, or once you watch all of the videos (if you are unable to attend some of the live training), you will get an eMarket Readiness Program Certificate of Completion and join our amazing network of Alumni!

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Accede al eMRP en español AQUÍ.